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EXHIBITION (group): more than human

Ursula Biemann, Lindsey french, Grace Grothaus, Dolleen Tisawii’ashii Manning & Mary Bunch, Suzanne Morrissette, Joel Ong, Raitis Smits & Rasa Smite

Onsite Gallery

February 01 to May 13, 2023 

Opening Reception  – Wednesday, February 01, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., at Onsite Gallery, 199 Richmond Street West 

more-than human Artists’ Panel Discussion Part 1  – Thursday, February 02, 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.  at Onsite Gallery (199 Richmond Street West) and Live Streamed Online   

Onsite Gallery

curated by Jane Tingley

more-than-human presents media artworks at the intersection of art, science, Indigenous worldviews, and technology that speculatively and poetically use multimodal storytelling as a vehicle for interpreting, mattering, and embodying more-than-human ecologies. The artworks in this exhibition aim to critically and emotionally engage with the important work of decentering the human and rethinking the perspective that sees nature as a lifeless resource for exploitation. Many of the artworks use technological and scientific tools as entry points for witnessing and interacting with these more-than-human worlds, as they help visualize phenomena beyond human sensory perception while nevertheless situating us within them. Combined, the artworks in the show weave a story that tells a tale of symbiosis, intersections, and more-than-human relationality. They incorporate scientific, philosophical, and Indigenous perspectives to create an experiential tapestry that asks the viewer to reconsider, reorient, and rethink relationships with the more-than-human.